
In my digital print. Here is the process of my thinking. (original e-notes) : ‘

Digital printing :

Ref link:

选择digital 是为了探讨现代艺术是不是因为一些特定的方式就可以改变,(只改变用的东西) 下篇论文我想讨论在materials和现代艺术的联系和performance这种艺术形式的关系, 联系到大的主题也还是不变的。只是分类讨论于这些details的点。因为我在寻找我的way的路上,就是在探索,在materials和形式也是非常重要的组成部分。

(Choosing digital print, because I’d like to do research of contemporary art, and try to find out some specially ways and rules. In the essay, I’d like to discuss the relationship of materials and art’s forms. It is going to contact with a bigger topic. Because I am on the way to search for my art style, and keep digging. The materials and the forums’ of art are both important.)

Take care of any detail, and make sense of anything, such as materials post etc…

According to academic drawing or traditional drawing, I’d to Photoshop and zone on to 色款,allow me to drawing on the print. 参考academic drawing的方法,变化。。。

Sound drawing, film, video 解决如果我没在画展如何展览展出(解决unit1 exhi Fran提问题的问题 )

(Sound drawing, film, the video could solve my problems in my show in unit ) (It is going to solve the question that Fran asked.)

British 的传统艺术,从中找出传统艺术画法规律,加入到我的ps系列中

(British’s traditional art, finding the rules of them, then add them to my artworks.)

Peer workshop 寻找一个文章或者话 用自己的理解 哲学和信仰去诠释。

(Peer workshop, to find an article or words, to understand my beliefs.)


Unit3 主题可以从C语言寻找,如果坚持学习C语言。因为网络是现在很多人精神支持,不如从c语言开始

(Unit3 topic, trying to find the beauty of  C++. Keep studying C++. Because the internet is many people’s beliefs. So, why don’t I study from C++)


(Pictures from primary school, they can make mirror style and easier to find out the real and dreamland.)’


Here is the note I made in class.


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I was a good time, the hardest part is about glueing the paper together. It is really good to know this skills and I can make my own sketchbook. As an artist, we have different requirements of sketchbooks, such as size, paper, weight etc…

Project Space 208

Here are the ideas of the sketch.

1,  I could put different colours water in different time.

2, When I will paint, I can move the bottle left to right, high to low in different time.

3, I can control the timing, how long is going to finish this bottle.

4, The location of the bottle (high to low) could influence the effect of drawing.

The idea came from the hospital. Many years ago, my grandpa was in very serious lung disease. I was there in the hospital. He felt so to rough. After transfusion, by the liquid medicine went into his body. I can tell he was better.

I pictured the bigger view. People’s whole life is the same as this. We all born in this world and died in somehow and sometime.


After reviewing my sketchbook, I made my final draft. I use colourful ice instead of the medicine bottle. I use acrylic colour and crush them into the water (still keep some solid acrylic in the water). Then, I freeze it. I want to use Chinese paper, card paper, watercolour paper and canvas.


Lecture 14/02/18


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Lecture 28/02/18

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Lecture 03/14/18


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Studio in British Museum

It was a great chance to meet those real artworks. All of my picks are from the Renaissance. I picked two pieces from Vinci. During I did copy-drawing, I was excited because they are real. But one thing surprised me, their skills are not good as I think. I am not saying they are bad. No doubt, they are wonderful skills. The skills are not legend as people tell. This idea was just in my mind for a second. Then, I realized that the skills were created by them. After that, I  kept in an unassertive state.  Special Vinci, I found he never drew a useless line. All of his lines have meaning, such as turning body’s surface, mark the body’s structure. In some lines, they mean one or two meaning. It was great, but I do not think I can make it in a short time. Anyway, it was a great experience.

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Lecture 03/02/18

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Design work:

Other practice




I and my girlfriend run a WeChat Official Accounts of art and fashion. I am responsible for the art thinking and how to relate article with art and philosophy, and she is responsible for the fashion and pictures. It is like Instagram, people follow the account and we post articles. WeChat is the NO. 1 social APP in China, and we posted one article for now. It is in Chinese, but it is talking about the timeline and how to keep the beauty.  There are a lot of fashion elements and art elements. In the future, we plan to do 2-3 articles in each month.

Here is the Link:

Here are my in-classes notes and ideas from lectures:

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